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ROOF-H - Takfläkt



Takfläktar ROOF-H är bland annat avsedda för ventilation lager, butiks- och industrisalar, jordbruksbyggnader. De kännetecknas också av hög temperaturbeständighet, därför rekommenderas de också för ventilation, t.ex. från över galler, från kåpor i köttindustrin och gastronomi.
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i en annan färg än standard
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Range of centrifugal roof mounted fans in horizontal discharge format. ROOF-H are designed for ventilation:
  • warehouses, shop and industrial halls, farm buildings in agriculture, etc.

Due to their high temperature resistance, they are especially recommended as extractors:
  • from over grates, from hoods in the meat industry and gastronomy.


  • rotors with backward blades are made of aluminum sheet,
  • the base are made of aluminum sheet,
  • brackets and motor support plate are made of stainless steel,
  • canopy made of aluminum sheet,
  • protective mesh made of stainless steel,
  • designed for vertical work,
  • suitable for mounting on flat roofs,
  • working temperature -40°C to +120°C.


  • asynchronous single-phase 230V 50Hz (power to 1,1 kW)
  • asynchronous 3-phase 230 / 400V, 50Hz (power up to 3,0 kW),
  • asynchronous 3-phase 400 / 690V, 50Hz (power from 4,0 kW),
  • degree of protection IP55,
  • insulation class F,
  • single-phase motors are adapted to voltage regulation,
  • three-phase motors are adapted for frequency converter.

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Typ A B H h1 ØD Øn
  mm mm mm mm mm mm
ROOF-H/25/12/14S 330 435 456 15 510 12
ROOF-H/28/17/14S 330 435 456 15 510 12
ROOF-H/31/24/14S 330 435 471 15 570 12
ROOF-H/35/34/14S 450 560 606 15 680 12
ROOF-H/40/50/14S 450 560 623 15 730 12
ROOF-H/45/71/14S 535 630 666 15 800 12
ROOF-H/25/08/09S 330 435 456 15 510 12
ROOF-H/28/11/09S 330 435 456 15 510 12
ROOF-H/31/16/09S 330 435 471 15 570 12
ROOF-H/35/22/09S 450 560 606 15 680 12
ROOF-H/40/32/09S 450 560 623 15 730 12
ROOF-H/45/47/09S 535 630 666 15 800 12
ROOF-H/50/64/09S 590 710 773 17 920 12
ROOF-H/25/12/14T 330 435 456 15 510 12
ROOF-H/28/17/14T 330 435 456 15 510 12
ROOF-H/31/24/14T 330 435 471 15 570 12
ROOF-H/35/34/14T 450 560 606 15 680 12
ROOF-H/40/50/14T 450 560 623 15 730 12
ROOF-H/45/71/14T 535 630 666 15 800 12
ROOF-H/50/97/14T 590 710 773 17 920 12
ROOF-H/56/136/14T 590 710 762 17 1000 12
ROOF-H/25/08/09T 330 435 456 15 510 12
ROOF-H/28/11/09T 330 435 456 15 510 12
ROOF-H/31/16/09T 330 435 471 15 570 12
ROOF-H/35/22/09T 450 560 606 15 680 12
ROOF-H/40/32/09T 450 560 623 15 730 12
ROOF-H/45/47/09T 535 630 666 15 800 12
ROOF-H/50/64/09T 590 710 773 17 920 12
ROOF-H/56/90/09T 590 710 762 17 1000 12
ROOF-H/63/129/09T 750 900 935 40 1115 14
ROOF-H/71/184/09T 750 900 1060 40 1250 14
ROOF-H/80/264/09T 840 1100 1185 40 1410 14


Venture Industries Group